The Second Coming
Concerning the second coming of Jesus and the
post-tribulation rapture, the devil has been very subtle, and deceived many
into believing one of two very serious error: the pre-tribulation rapture or
the mid-tribulation rapture. Jesus once told a parable about ten virgins who
waited for the bridegroom to come (Matthew 25:1-13). Five were wise and were prepared for his coming, but five
were foolish and did not have enough oil in their lamps (v8). When the
bridegroom came, the wise went in with him to the marriage, but the foolish
were shut out (v10). This is a parable about Jesus’ second coming, warning us
to be prepared, and if the devil can ensure that we are not prepared, then he can
get us shut out when Jesus comes, just like the foolish virgins. In order to do
this, he has deceived people into believing in a pre-tribulation rapture of the
church. Many believe that they will not have to go through any tribulation, and
so have not prepared themselves for it, and like the foolish virgins, they will
not have time to prepare if they realize their mistake too late. Even in this
parable, the bridegroom did not collect some virgins one time and then others
at a later date, they were either taken in at his only coming, or they were
shut out. With this one deception the devil will get many of those who believe
it rejected when Jesus comes, and I urge anyone who believes in a
pre-tribulation rapture to prayerfully meditate on this study, and allow God to
show you the truth of it. This study has one main aim, to prove from the
scripture that the rapture will not come before the tribulation, but will occur
on the last day of this pre-millennial age, when Jesus returns for his church,
and destroys the Beast and his army who fight against Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:12; Revelation
This bible study
gives you plenty of scriptural proof for the post-tribulation rapture of the
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