Namaan, the Syrian general, was furious! When he came to
see Elisha to heal his leprosy, he never imagined Elisha would send a
messenger. He assumed Elisha himself would come out, call on the name of the
Lord, wave his hand over his leprosy and cure him. How mistaken he was!
God had a different plan. Perhaps he wanted to break
Namaan’s pride. Namaan was told to go dunk himself in the Jordan River seven
times. This made no sense to Naaman, and he almost missed the blessing of God’s
healing by refusing at first to do as he was commanded. He mistakenly thought
he could have dunked himself in a river back home that was, in his opinion,
cleaner than the Jordan.
The Scripture makes it clear that God’s ways and thoughts
are higher than ours as the heavens are higher than the earth. Often, we don’t
understand why certain things are happening or why we need to go through
certain experiences. Perhaps, like Namaan, we need discipline or God needs to
break our pride.
In Christainity, we study the people in the Old Testament
because we can learn so many lessons that we need to apply to our own lives.
This is a part of soaking our heart, as a sponge, in the Word of God.
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