You might ask how do I become a Christian, or what is it I
need to do. First note the following verse: Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom
of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor
adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the
greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of
God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were
sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the
Spirit of our God. "Everything is permissible for me" —but not
everything is beneficial. - 1Co 6:9-12
So if any of those things sounds like you, if you live one
of those life styles you need to cease. Also note the final point of the verse "but not
everything is beneficial" God
knows what is best for us. Take drunkenness as an example, it causes a lot of
problems for society, violence, and put lives at risk, one of my friends got
drunk and was hit by a car, he lived but he could have been killed. Sexual immorality
causes a lot of single mothers who are unloved and left with babies to look
after, don't say it does not happen. I know many men who have sex with women
get them pregnant then ditch them, or others who have sex then when the woman
wants a committed relationship they basically tell them to f-off, a swear word.
Homosexuality is not what God intends for us. Thefts, murder, greed, all of
these things are wrong. God wants us to be blessed, he is a good God. You must
repent. Turn around. And allow God to lead you into gentleness, kindness and
So what do you need to do to become a Christian, well, be
sincere in you prayer, that is all God asks. Ask him to come into your life.
Then just enjoy your life, there is no special task that he requires of you,
only that you get to know him. The bible is where you find out about God, it is
his final and complete revelation, Jesus said false prophets would arise and deceive
many, but you be led by the truth. If you are a person of mission and purpose
there are a lot of things you can accomplish with God as your guide. Don't
think you have to live the ordinary life, when you can live the extraordinary.
But we were all made for the ordinary as well, God made us to enjoy the simple
things in life. Don't feel burdened that you may have a massive task ahead of
you. God in my experience does not force you to do anything rather allows you
to live at the point that you can cope with. So don't think you will need to
give up all the good things in life and become a monk or a nun. God loves you,
he wants you blessed. Let him bless you. You will find him, when you seek for
him with your whole heart.
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