Sunday, 13 May 2012

Daniel 70-weeks Prophecy Explained!

Daniel 70 weeks prophecy remains one of the most fascinating prophecy in scriptures. Many theologians and historians have tried in their effort to reconcile the date given by Daniel and the year Christ was actually born. Some in their effort have misinterpreted the whole chapter out of context. But the question is, can mere human effort be used to interpret these verses? The answer is indeed No! The only way to really interpret is to consider what the scriptures says- because the scriptures cannot be broken. According to scriptures, 70 weeks was given by Daniel for the entire prophecy to be fulfilled. This prophecy starts counting when the decree to restore and to build Jerusalem was given by Antaxerxes to Ezra in 457 BC and ends when Christ the anointed becomes King. Though previous decree was given by Cyrus (536 BC) and Darius (519 BC), these two decrees saw the movement of the Jews back to Jerusalem. During this period, the Jews were not fully independent considering the hostility of the nations that occupied Jerusalem then and the absence of temple worship. Therefore, the counting starts when Jerusalem became an independent state; the streets and walls built again and temple worship restored, all this was possible in 457 BC. The 69 weeks starts counting from 457 BC to the anointing of the Messiah by John the baptist in 27 AD making it a period of 483 years according to scriptures. It should be noted that a week in Jewish calendar is 7 years period; Which means that 69 weeks equals to (69 x 7 years) 483 years. The second part of the 70 weeks is 62 weeks which happens to be the end of the 69 weeks. During this period, the Messiah was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. Presently, the world is in the period between the 69 and 70 weeks normally called the "church age" "the Gentiles period" or "grace period". The last one week begins immediately after the rapture of the Church. This one week is divided into two parts of three and a half years each of tribulation and great tribulation respectively.

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