Monday, 4 June 2012

Christ Resurrection and The Rapture of The Saints!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ remains the most disputed fact among Jews and non-Christians worldwide. To many people and religion, Christ never died at all. This dispute sends chills to the minds of believers because history and biblical records states otherwise- that Jesus died and resurrected after the third day. During the Ministry of Jesus Christ, He told His disciples repeatedly about his death on the cross (Mark 9 v 31) and His resurrection with the Saints (John 5 v 28-29). Christ resurrection triggered the resurrection of the dead Saints as many dead bodies were seen in the streets of Jerusalem (Matthew 27 v 51-53) and more so, open graves. This event is known today as the first resurrection as prophecy by David in the Psalms (Psalms 17 v 15) and Job (Job 19 v 25-29). It was apparent on the reasons many Patriarch e.g. Joseph, wanted their dead bodies moved back to Israel because they wanted to see the Messiah. On this note, it will be important to simply state that the nature of the Saints resurrection and their subsequent assumption can be likened to our present day teaching on the rapture of the Church. In the rapture, only the true believers dead and alive in Christ will be taken alive to Heaven after hearing the trumpet sound and the voice of Jesus Christ just like the first resurrection. This simply means; the first resurrection manifested on the physical body and flesh while the second resurrection (rapture) will manifest in the celestial body (the transformed man).

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