God the
Judge bangs the heavenly gavel down in a moment. He does not say, “Not guilty”
per se, but rather “Justified!” We are freed in the twinkling of an eye. God
predestined in eternity that we would be justified, but we were not actually
justified until the moment of faith. Justification is instantaneous and
complete. It is not progressive. No one is more justified than another. In
fact, those in Heaven are not more justified than the saints on Earth, for
justification is a perfect legal declaration by God Himself. An auctioneer
bangs the hammer “Sold” in an auction to signal the moment the sale is enacted.
So too, God bangs the gavel in the court of Heaven and in our conscience. If it
did not occur in a moment, what would be the fate of those who died halfway
through the process? It must be in a moment. One second before, the sinner is
condemned and doomed; one second after, justified forever.
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