Sunday 27 January 2013

The Last Days Church!

The last days Church is a Church Jesus spoke about in his earthly ministry. He described it as cold and backsliding! “Departing from the faith and given hid to seducing spirits and evil doctrines of the devil.” He also asked a question that has not been answered till today- “When the son of man shall come, will He find faith on earth”. As bad as the situation will be, Jesus spoke as if He will witness these things on earth. The prophecy of Christ has come to past in many Churches today, in fact, today's Church can be described as apostate, backsliding and compromising. Not mention the influence and impact of worldliness on the Church today. The Church world is drowning in a sea of compromise and change, and there is pressure on the few remaining Church to compromise. Evil is been perpetrated on the pulpit instead of justice and righteousness. Today’s call is for the few remaining Christians and Church to stand firm and steadfast having the breastplate of righteousness, and having their feet shod with the gospel of Christ- because this gospel is needed by all and cannot be substituted for anything!

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