Friday 16 March 2012

God is Unchanging!

The very nature of God is His unchanging words and nature. In fact, Jesus has state that God is high and holy and his standard is unchanging. Jesus in one of His teachings reiterate that, “Heaven and Earth will pass away but the word of God will never”. God has always had controversy with his people whenever they change and deviate from his word (Jeremiah 2 v 11-13); and He condemns change in strong word (Proverb 24 v 21). In the New Testament, Apostle Paul speaks about the unchanging nature of the almighty God when He says “by two immutable things it was impossible for God to lie.” Furthermore, Peter a disciple of Jesus, who spent most of His time with Christ bears witness of the unchanging nature of the Almighty God (1 Peter 1 v 24-25).

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