Tuesday 13 March 2012

The validity of 3 BC as Christ Birth date!

Jesus birth in Bethlehem more than 2000 years ago remains an issue that is much debated among historians and bible scholars: this is because there are various divergent views and opinion about when Christ was actually born. Some believed that Jesus was born 1 AD while others believe that Christ was born before then. The fact however can be seen in scriptures because bible records according to Daniel 9 v 25 shows that Jesus was born in 3 BC. The rationale behind this date is the fact that; the restoration of Jerusalem was in 457 BC- for Daniel prophecy that between 457 BC to 27 AD, which is about 483 years, the Messiah will be revealed to the public at the matured age of 30 years: this was in 27 AD thereby placing his birth at 3 BC. More so, this date has been confirmed by NASA scientist when historian Ernest L. Martin consulted NASA lunar-phase tables and found the image of the heavens in Revelation 12 showed where the sun and the moon were, relative to Virgo, at the time Jesus was born, pin-pointing sunset of September 11th of 3 BC. It seems the moon moves so quickly, it is "beneath the feet" of Virgo only a few hours every month. Moreover, the moon comes within two lunar diameters of Virgo's feet at the time of a new moon but once in 30 years. The only such occurrence any time near the birth of Jesus was on September 11th, 3 BC.

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