Friday 13 July 2012

The Great White Throne Judgement!

There is definitely a judgment day for everyman that has ever lived; for the Bible and all man-made religion has this common belief. For according to scriptures, “it is appointed unto men once to die, after that the judgment”. Every man will be judged at the "great white throne", it is also known as “the judgment seat of Christ”. During this period, Jesus Christ- the living Son of God will judge the entire world because “the Father will judge no man”. Scripture has described this event in Revelation 20 v 11-15. A chilling detail is encapsulated in these words “And I saw the dead, small and great stand before GOD…” Judgment is imminent and is melted out to everyman that refuse to repent and accept Jesus as his LORD and Personal Savior. This great event will happen after the earth is melted away and destroyed during the battle of “Good and Evil” (2 Peter 3 v 10). Why not make up your mind and make Jesus your Lord and Personal Savior. God Bless YOU!!!

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