Friday, 6 July 2012

The Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ!

The millennial reign is a 1000 years period of peace set up by the King of Kings himself- Jesus Christ. Immediately after the battle of Armageddon, Christ becomes King of the whole earth and hence establish His Kingdom on earth. Christ will reign on earth for 1000 years with the raptured saint; His Saints becomes rulers, governors and presidents all over the earth. Jesus will set up His headquarters at Jerusalem and His Kingdom shall be in Peace for a millennium. This millennial reign in the calendar of God happens to be the beginning of the seventh millennium in which the earth shall experience its Sabbath- the earth will be free from the influence of Satan and his Demons until after the millennium. During the millennial reign, the wild animal will sit together with humans without posing any danger because of the presence of the King of Peace. Will you be there?

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