Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Nature of the Believers Reward (2): The "OVER-COMERS" in Revelation.

a) Revelation 2:7 -- "Eat of the Tree of Life, Which is in the Midst of the Paradise of God."
The tree of life, which has been practically unmentioned since Genesis 3, where it was lost through sin, is here restored in accordance with the restitution of all things in Christ. This figure expresses participation in life eternal -- the believer shall die no more.
b) Revelation 2:11 -- "Shall not be Hurt of the Second Death."
He who is born but once -- "of the flesh" -- dies twice: physically, and eternally. He (the believer) who is born twice -- "of the flesh" and "of the spirit" -- dies but once; that is, he passes through only that physical dissolution of soul and body which is called death. The "second death" means, to say the least, utter exclusion from the presence of God. To say that the believer shall not be hurt of the second death is equivalent to saying that he shall eternally behold the face of the Father which is in heaven.
c) Revelation 2:17 -- He shall Receive a "Stone with a New Name Written" Thereon; To the Believer also will be Given to Eat of the "Hidden Manna."
This figure may mean that to the believer is given the white stone of acquittal. In courts of justice in those days a black stone was given to the condemned. Reference may here be made to the white stone (diamond?) which was not among the stones in the high priest's ephod, and thought by some to be the Urim and Thummim. The partaking of the hidden manna may refer to the fact that they who had resisted the eating of meat offered in sacrifice to idols would, as a reward, be allowed to feast on the bread of God, the divine food. The new name mentioned may stand for a new nature and character which the believer will possess in that new country.
d) Revelation 2:26, 27 -- Authority over the Nations.
There is doubtless a reference here to the reign of the saints with the Lord Jesus Christ on the millennial earth. Those that have suffered with Him shall also reign with Him.
e) Revelation 3:4, 5 -- He Shall Be "Arrayed in White Garments," and His Name Shall in No Wise be Blotted Out of the Book of Life.
"White garments" undoubtedly refers to the righteousness of the saints. In the Old Testament days to be blotted out of the book of life meant to forfeit the privileges of the Theocracy -- to be shut out forever from God's favor. Here the certainty of the believer's eternal security is assured. Christ will rejoice over him and gladly confess that He knows him as one who belonged to Him and served and confessed Him on the earth.
f) Revelation 3:12 -- The Believer Will Be a Pillar in the Temple of God; He Shall Go Out No More; God Will Write Upon Him His Own New Name.
Philadelphia, the place in which was situated the church to whom these words were written, was subject to earthquakes, and quite frequently the massive pillars of the temple were shattered. It shall not be so with the believer -- he shall never be moved. He will go in and out no more -- no possibility of falling then. He will have the name of God written upon him -- no danger of anyone else making claim to him. Then the believer's period of probation will have passed away; he shall have a permanent and eternal place in the kingdom of the Father.
g) Revelation 3:21 -- "I Will Give to Him to Sit Down With Me in My Throne."
Not "on" or "upon" but "in" my throne. Christ will exalt us with Himself. James and John wanted to sit by Christ's side in the coming kingdom. Here is something infinitely better -- to sit with Him in His throne.

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