Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Nature Of The Believer's Reward: He Shall Receive a Crown.

The Scriptures speak of a number of crowns: The Crown of Life (James 1:12; Rev.2:10, compare context which speaks of death); of Glory (1 Pet.5:4; cf. John 17:22; Heb.2:9); of
Righteousness (2 Tim.4:8), the full realization of the imputed and inwrought righteousness of Christ; of Rejoicing (1 Thess.2:19), at the sight of converts that have been won by one's ministry for Christ; of Gold(Rev.4:4); Incorruptible (1 Cor.9:25), as compared with the perishable crowns of the Greek games; Thy crown (Rev.3:11), that which is laid up for you, and which should not be lost by unfaithfulness; the summing up of all the previous expressions -- all are characteristic of "thy" crown.

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