Sunday 25 December 2016

God Reveals Himself Through Christ Birth.

Image result for god reveals himself
God wanted to reveal His righteous character to Adam and Eve and to all of mankind so they could become like Him in mind and spirit.
God created our two original parents in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27; Genesis 2:7). Accordingly, God instructed them to exercise their free will by urging them to look to Him as the revealer of good and evil. God gave Adam and Eve the opportunity to embrace His divine wisdom.

Tragically, Adam and Eve followed the father of lies, Satan, and both ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This wrong choice, this rebellion against their Creator, severed their close relationship with Him. God cast them out of the Garden of Eden, cutting off their access to the tree of life, which was symbolic of God’s Holy Spirit (Genesis 3:22-23).

Why did God’s desire to reveal His character to mankind mean Jesus had to be born? Jesus had to be born because Adam and Eve failed to carry out God’s mandate to glorify Him in their lives. It was left for the Son of God, thousands of years later, to ultimately fulfill the divine revelation of God’s character and purpose for man.

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