Thursday 8 December 2016

The Gift of The Spirit (2): The Word of Wisdom.

Image result for the gift of wisdomThe first gift Paul mentions is the gift of wisdom (v 8). It is listed first perhaps because it is foundation to the church and this is a gift that the believer can earnestly desire (v 31). Wisdom is clearly taught in the Word of God and “The fear of the LORD is beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding” (Psalm 111:10). This is the precious gift that Solomon asked for and received from God to be able to rightly rule God‘s nation (I Kings 3:12). With this wisdom, Solomon could understand what to do in difficult decisions. Wisdom is also associated with fearing the Lord.

On the other hand, Fear is simply standing in awe of God in reverence and respect. It entails loving His Word and being obedient to what it says. There is no wisdom in disobedience. This means that if some members are revering God’s laws and statutes, including loving God and loving your neighbour, that many members in the church can have this gift. Of course, many cannot have it either. This gift is of supreme importance for members in the Body of Christ for if we can love God and our neighbor, we can greatly contribute to the church and those outside of the church. This love is another way of showing unbelievers and attracting them to Christ by it (John 13:35).

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