Saturday 17 December 2016

The Gift of The Spirit (7): Gift of Prophecy.

Image result for gift of prophecyThe next gift is that of prophecy (v 10). Prophecy has several different interpretations and it is clear that in this context, within the church at Corinth, prophecy is the gift of teaching and/or speaking. The literal translation here is that it is “publicly speaking” or “speaking forth” the Word of God. This gift is associated with those who are teachers or pastors since God would not gift someone in the church to teach or preach without having an ability to do so. It is not inferring that they know the future or know what is to come since only a sovereign God alone knows the future.
For the Church, the gift of prophecy is very important and it enhances Christian groups, ministries and pastoral duties. It also validate how trustworthy a Minister of God can be, hence it affect the level of faith in Christianity especially from people of different religious group.

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