Monday 30 April 2012

The Babylonian Captivity!

It was certain that Judah will be taken into captive to the land of Babylon for 70 years as prophecy by the prophets because of their sins and rebellion against God. However, what was not certain was when will this occur? Babylon has always been there for many years, but Nebuchadnezzer never thought of taken Judah into captivity until they sin. It was their sin that brought God's judgement upon them. Judah's 70 years captivity was a turning point in their lives. Although, this captivity brought joy and gladness to an entire nation, to them God has kept his promise and covenant he made with them. More so, it was also symbolic to the entire human race because it span through the period in which Christ will be enthroned as king of the earth after the great tribulation.

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