Tuesday 24 April 2012

Israel's Divided Kingdom!

The United state of Israel seized from the day King Solomon departed from the Lord and decided to marry strange women and to worship other gods- these were idolatry and disobedience in the eyes of God. These gods were the gods of the nations God forbid them from associating with cause of their idolatrous worship. In fact, God has driven these nations away from His presence cause of their sins. These unfortunate incident made God to divide the kingdom. Though, this division took place in the time of King Solomon's son Rehoboam, nevertheless, it became a land mark event in the history of Israel. Despite the sins of King Solomon, God still decided to give one part of the tribes to King Rehoboam cause of the promise He made to King David that his son shall sit on the throne forever. The Lord has always shown to the sons of men that He is no respecter of person; and that He is of a purer eyes to behold iniquity. More importantly, that He is a covenant keeping God!

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