Sunday 15 April 2012

The Exodus!

The Israelite through Moses and Aaron, had engaged in open confrontation with the Egyptian Pharoah over the release of the Jews to serve their God in the land of promise (Israel). Pharoah had no choice but to give in due to the plagues and diseases the Lord has sent as a result of his refusal. The Israelite was now left with their journey to Canaan. Their greatest concern became the red sea and the coming Egyptian army led by Pharoah himself. In a dramatic twist, God intervened and they CROSSED their greatest Pharaoh. After crossing the red sea, they spent forty years in the wilderness until all the rebellious Jews died in the desert. Though, only Joshua and Caleb were worthy enough to survive among the adults, this single event shows that God is no respecter of person; because his judgement was served to the rebellious and unrepentant Jews.

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