Wednesday 18 April 2012

The Judges!

The Israelite had return back to their land according to the words of Joseph. Their return was in confirmation with the word of the Lord in the old testament books of Exodus, Deuteronomy and Numbers. Their coming back to their land marked the end of an era and the beginning of a promised future. Which means, they were eager and desperate to forget their terrible ordeal in Egypt and also, to await their promised Messiah. Though they knew they had to wait till their Messiah comes, therefore the Lord provided them a Judge. This Judge was to be the head of the entire tribes and to move the nation forward in justice, equality, righteousness and godliness. The Israelite Judge was symbolic: pointing to the Messiah as the real judge over all sinners and sinful nations in His second coming; and as the judge in the millennial reign and also the final judge in the judgement seat of Christ (Great White Thrown Judgement).

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