Thursday 3 November 2016

Babylon Is Overthrown: Daniel 5 v 30 - 31

Image result for Belshazzar is Killed
Daniel 5:30 "In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans slain."

That very night the fulfillment came, and Belshazzar was killed. Babylon fell to Darius.
Jeremiah 50:24 "I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: thou art found, and also caught, because thou hast striven against the LORD."
An ancient account alleged that Persia’s General Ugbaru had troops dig a trench to divert and thus lower the waters of the Euphrates River. Since the river flowed through the city of Babylon, the lowered water enabled besiegers to unexpectedly invade via the waterway under the thick walls and reach the palace before the city was aware. The end then came quickly, as guards, Belshazzar and others were slain on Oct. 16, 539 B.C.

Daniel 5:31 "And Darius the Median took the kingdom, [being] bout threescore and two years old."

Babylon has fallen into the hands of the Medes. Darius is 62 years old, when he took the kingdom of Babylon.
Possibly Darius is not a name, but an honored title for Cyrus, who with his army entered Babylon on Oct. 29, 539 B.C. It is used in inscriptions for at least 5 Persian rulers. History mentions no specific man named Darius the Mede.
As far as his name goes, historians believe that the name Darius was not a proper name at all, but a title of honor meaning "Holder of the Scepter.” In other words "The Scepter Holder (King) of the Medes." 

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