Saturday 19 November 2016

Justification : An act of Faith!

Image result for justificationBelieving in the finished work of God through Christ on the cross of Calvary can only be possible through faith. Faith paves the way for salvation and create access to God unlimited blessing for man kind.
The Catholic Church, like the early Judaizers, says that justification is by faith and works, not by faith alone. They are not merely saying that works must follow faith; they are saying that both must precede justification. We utterly deny it. Again, they say: faith – works – justification. The Bible says: faith – justification – works. Rom.3:28 and Gal. 2:16 are very explicit that we are justified by faith alone. Faith is the condition. It is not the ground of justification. It is the condition in the sense that God will not justify without it, and it is by faith that we are connected with Christ. He is the true merit.

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