Wednesday 30 November 2016

Justification: Irrevocable!

Image result for justification is irrevocableThe Justification of the human soul by the court of Heaven stands forever and cannot be question or contested: this is because Jesus Christ has paid the supreme sacrifice for the repentant soul of all mankind. God substitute for judgment became the sacrificial death on the cross of Calvary. It is only left for mankind as an individual to choose between life and death. Jesus has died, the sacrifice has been paid, it is left for every responsible individual to decide who to choose and follow. Remember, the decision we make now in respect of God redemption for man will decide if we will be justified and escape judgment on the final day.

Like early stated, there is no double jeopardy, no double indemnity. Satan cannot appeal the verdict or raise an objection or sue for a mistrial. It is over and done with. All that follows is the joy of knowing one is justified and free forever, never to be condemned. We have peace with God at last! (Rom.5:1).

In conclusion, the destiny of all man has been greeted with eternal life through Christ Jesus. We accepting Christ sacrifice, justifies us and lead us to eternal life with God forever even as we prepare to live holy and righteously in this present world.

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