Monday 21 November 2016

Justification: Made Possible by Christ Death!

Image result for justification and Christ deathThere is no doubt in our mind, that justification is made possible by the work of Christ on the cross. Christ sacrifice is made supreme by God (Justification) above all man-made sacrifice for sin: this is because; it paid for our sin and redeems us from the curse and penalty of sin.
We are “justified by His blood” (Rom. 5:9). God set forth Christ as the propitiatory sacrifice that appeased His wrath. God thereby looks at the cross, is satisfied, and is then able to justify us (Rom. 3:25). God did not sweep sin under the carpet, nor wink at it. He punished it in Christ. The work of Christ, then, is the ground upon which God can legally justify us. We are also justified in His resurrection (Rom. 4:25).
Through Christ death and resurrection, we are guaranteed Heaven on earth now and in the hereafter.

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